Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 1 NACA

By: Megan Nitschke; Showcase Coordinator

The first day of my first year at the National Association of Campus Activities bombarded me with an assortment of potential showcases for the future at MSUM. Even though I feel overloaded with information, today has fully secured all the reasons why I, along with every other member of Dragon Entertainment Group, put in many hours of hard work to deliver events to the MSUM campus. I speak for our entire group when I say that the energy, talent and ideas at this conference have created momentum for the future of programming at MSUM. 

We are currently seeking out programs to book for the fall semester, and this event allows us to see first-hand the options we can choose from to book. Today we attended an educational session, which we determined based on our particular responsibilities and interest, then the rest of the day we watched dozens of comedians, musicians and talents that are promoting themselves to the college crowd. In between the showcases, we were able to interact with the agents and market our group to the many businesses that work with colleges. It was an incredible experience that pushed us into a real-world experience full of networking and communication with large agencies. 

On a personal level, which a blog is essentially based off of, today was rather empowering and life changing. I dream of working in the entertainment industry, so the environment I am surrounded by this weekend is so comforting and exciting. The entertainment industry is such an inspiring field because it brings joy and laughter to audience members, in the case of the more showy programs, but it also provokes new ideas, questions and diversity, such as with speakers. As the activity planning committee for MSUM, we are able to directly link those elements to our campus. It’s an incredible process, and after today, I’m even more thrilled to be a coordinator for this industry at MSUM.

I kept things rather informational in this blog, so as I close my thoughts and slowly close my tired eyes after this long, info-packed day, I must end with my silly, cheesy, over-dramatic freak-out of the day. When you think of entertainment, what comes to mind? Celebrities. Well, I’m one of those people who follows celebrities, and you may say that’s unhealthy, but you just can’t judge what this type of obsession has brought to my life. The first celeb meeting I had today was a comedian by the name of Tig Notaro. In case you don’t know her, she is one of the cops featured in the Sarah Silverman Program. I am a fan of Sarah Silverman, though many people aren’t, so when I first saw her, the TV-real life experience hit my hard. I was staring eye-to-eye with a TV star/comedian that I’m actually familiar with! 

Then my night ended with an even more exciting encounter. As a former MTV’s Real World fan, I was obsessed with many seasons, including Brooklyn, which aired my freshman year of college. I went to meet with some Group members and all of a sudden I was face-to-face with Sara Price of this season. I freaked out a bit, and my instant reaction was to hug her, so I did. We had a great talk and she was entertained and flattered by my excitement. I felt a connection. You have permission to make fun of me, but the joy I felt from that will push my interest and passion in the entertainment world, and that will lead to my own success, holla.

Moral of the blog. Today was great. We learned a lot. Now I’m tired. Good night.

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