Thursday, February 23, 2012

National Eating Disorder Awareness week events scheduled

The MSUM Wellness Educators and the Dragon Entertainment Group are coordinating National Eating Disorder Awareness week, Feb. 26 through March 1. The week’s events are as follows:

    MONDAY: Brown Bag Lunch   - 11:45am & 12:30pm   - MacLean Hall
    Kara Woodbury, LPCC, of Sanford will present two half-hour sessions on how to help a friend or family member who is or may be suffering from an eating disorder.

    TUESDAY: Information Station Choo-Choo   - 4:30-6:30pm   - Kise Commons
    Six stations that have been prepared by students and faulty will be presented. The stations will cover various topics related to eating disorders and body image issues. They will be interactive and have take-away information as well. Each attendee will be given a punch card and after completing all six stations, they will receive a prize.

    TUESDAY: Sitting In Circles with Rich White Girls   - 7pm   - Weld Hall
    Sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Chad Goller-Sojourner will present what is described as:
    "At times funny, biting and somber, Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls: Memoirs of a Bulimic Black Boy chronicles the performer's life long affair with the scale and ten-plus year liaison with an eating disorder. Also a hilarious and heartbreaking exploration into the process and pattern of identity construction - in this case how grouping up: fat, dark-skinned, gay and adopted by white folks affected and shaped the performer's maturation -  Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls: Memoirs of a Bulimic Black Boy is always crushingly honest, with the performer's greatest gift being the ability to find playfullness even in the midst of grief.

    WEDNESDAY: Panel of Impacted Individuals
       - 7pm   - CMU Ballroom A
    This panel will feature individuals impacted by eating disorders or body image issues. Whether they have suffered themselves or have been through the process with a friend or family member, each panelist brings a different perspective to issues surrounding eating disorders and body image issues.

    THURSDAY: Mega Zumba Event   - 8pm   - Wellness Center
    The capstone event celebrates health and wellness of all individuals with an interactive, exciting Zumba event. Following, food and refreshments will be provided.
      In addition, there is also the "The GREAT Jeans Giveaway"
      Throughout the week: Skinny Clothes donation competition
      in each resident hall, the CMU at 'The Compass', and inside the MSUM Bookstore there will be collection centers to donate clothes that you either do not want, need or fit anymore. People don't stop growing until they are 21 years old, so why keep clothes you wore when you were 17 years old in hopes that you'll fit them again someday. That's not healthy. The collection center that wins will receive a prize for their contributions.

      Throughout the week:
      CMU Activities: Post Secret - Feb.27-29th during CMU operational hours
      PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail
      in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

      To support Eating Disorder Awareness week, we will be hosting this PostSecret event in the CMU Main Lounge. You will be able to create your own PostSecret and have the option to add it to the MSUM PostSecret display. These Post Secrets will later be sent in the the Post Secret organization to promote physical and mental health.
      For more information on these events visit their Facebook event page.
      Advocate Article 

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