Friday, April 1, 2011

NACA - Day 2 (Dear Diary)

By: Katie Winter; Coffeehouse Coordinator 

Dear Diary,

Today was yet another wonderful/informative day here at NACA.  Started the day off with a quality egg, sausage, and pepper jack cheese sandwich from the Subway down the street, complete with uber-friendly cashier!  Usually I’d say this dripping with sarcasm, but sincerely, that guy was legit.  If I wasn’t a ridiculously broke college student, I’d definitely contemplate maybe tipping him..maybe.  Any who!  I was awfully tired, considering we were up until almost 2am last night.  It was a hard morning, but it was nothing that a little Usher sing-along with Aisha couldn’t fix!  

At 9am we moseyed our way on over to the ed. Sessions where I personally learned a little bit more about the importance of team building and programming.  I’m hoping to attain as much knowledge as possible to use to better myself in my position as the Coffeehouse Coordinator of the Dragon Entertainment Group ;) 
After the ed. Sessions, Megan, Chia, and I sat with some folks from Wisconsin while eating a tasty ham sandwich box lunch.  If you haven’t noticed by now, I find it completely necessary to document the delicious food I partake in on a regular basis.  Not so much to keep tabs on, but to embrace the opportunities I have to eat something besides my usual PB&J with a side of Ramen noodles. 

The Speakers showcase was next. I have a confession to make.  And I’m really glad I’m writing in my diary, so there’s NO possible way that it will leak to ANYONE else….I had a HUGE crush on the first speaker.  GORGEOUS guy, used to be in the Army (Shout out to those in the Armed Forces).  His speech was very moving too.  He spoke of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy.  So as you can guess, much to my dismay, he’s not into women.  Just my luck.  Moving on!  There were several inspiring stories shared, which may be heard soon at MSUM!  

We had some down time, where we went to this wicked sweet diner, called “Micky’s”.  Apparently it was featured in Mighty Ducks 1 AND 2.  SO COOL!  I enjoyed a BLT, fries, and a chocolate shake, which I split with Joe.  But it wasn’t one of those weird one glass, two straw deals…I just did that with Megan.  We sat by this really cute family which had two little boys.  ADORABLE!  We definitely gave them “The Group” stickers!  Go Team!  

Shortly after, we went to a little bit of a sketch grocery store.  But the guy was pretty nice, making small talk about how he was excited he hadn’t shot anyone yet that day…after he called me sweetheart for the second time, I decided it was time to give my thanks and head on my way to more showcases! 
We enjoyed several poetry readings, comedians, and musicians.  Many of which I hope to one day have on campus.  However, I had to leave early, missing the last act to take my post as a badge-checker.  Or as I like to consider it- A Bouncer.  Yup. Me, Katie Winter, A Bouncer.  What of it?!?!  I didn’t take no shinanigans from NOBODY!  

Ok Diary, one last thing.  EPIC story.  We were walking back to the hotel, when I saw this guy kind of wobbling in front of us.  He turned around and started talking to us, complaining he lost his driver, wondering if we had seen them.  I had nooo idea what he was talking about, then it hit me!  Dude!  I knew him!  It was none other than Pauly Shore!!!!  Childhood hero!!  I got my picture with him and quoted Biodome a couple of times before he broke into tears about how his life went down the tube, then he passed out….That reminds me…Happy April Fools Day J

Luv in dis club.

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