Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Suicide Awareness Week - April 10-15th 2011

By: Billy McDonald; Marketing Coordinator

Every year 30,000 Americans are ripped away from their loved ones, because of a lie. A lie told to them by a parent, a friend, a colleague, spouse, or themselves... you get the idea, but it doesn’t matter where they heard it. The lie is always the same it just takes different forms. This lie has made Suicide the third leading cause of death among college aged Americans. The lie tells them they are not loved, wanted, or needed. This lie tells them they will not be missed or ending it will make it easier.  Although if a lie is told to you enough and you come to believe in such lies they become your truth; your reality.  More than 800,000 will be victim to this false reality this year and attempt suicide.

April 10th starts the 1st annual Suicide Prevention Week. The Dragon Entertainment Group looks to join in the education on the value of all human life. There is hope in all situations, for all people. Our message is simple but often forgotten “You are not alone, we will miss you if you are gone”.

The Dragon Entertainment Group has a series of events planned for the week of April 10th – 15th including:

·         The Very LOUD silent Auction, April 10th – 17th  
·         Suicide Awareness Expression Tree -  April 10th – 17th
·         Suicide Prevention Volleyball Tournament and BBQ- Dahl Volley Ball Courts, April 11th - 2pm
·         Kise Daytime Jams - Kise Commons , April 12th - 11a - 1am
·         Suicide Education Panel  (Suicide Awareness Speakers) - CMU 101, April 13th 3-4pm
·       Spring Fling Dance/Suicide Awareness Dance - CMU Underground, April 15th 9pm-1am 
Student Senate will also be handing out yellow ribbons on Tuesday in the CMU, and on Friday night at the dance. Yellow is the color of suicide prevention. Poster designed by MSUM student designer (I will get a name in here asap) are going to be on display all over campus. Messages of the real truth of the value of all human life is made apparent on each one. The Panhellenic Council will be providing a fundraiser BBQ during the volleyball tournament on Monday.

100% of the profits of the week’s events will go to the Susie Hanson Memorial Fund of Fargo, Which funds an organization bent on ending suicide. Susie's mother is the speaker on the 13th in the above schedule.

Please make an extra effort to educate yourself and others on the lies of suicide during the suicide awareness week. Spread the truth that we are all needed, wanted, and loved. There are a known 4.5 million suicide survivors in America today, everyone is affected by Suicide…EVEYONE. There is a brotherhood we all live within; that brotherhood is the human race. Consider it your social responsibility to make suicide unthinkable. 80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully. Let’s make that number 100%.

If you or a friend would like to talk to someone about the topic, please talk to someone at: http://www.mnstate.edu/counsel/

For Information on the topic I recommend:  http://www.save.org

Good Luck & Thanks for Supporting The Cause,

The Dragon Entertainment Group

 Text 'Dragons' to 313131 and Receive info on upcoming events of the week and motivational quotes.

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