Thursday, February 23, 2012

National Eating Disorder Awareness week events scheduled

The MSUM Wellness Educators and the Dragon Entertainment Group are coordinating National Eating Disorder Awareness week, Feb. 26 through March 1. The week’s events are as follows:

    MONDAY: Brown Bag Lunch   - 11:45am & 12:30pm   - MacLean Hall
    Kara Woodbury, LPCC, of Sanford will present two half-hour sessions on how to help a friend or family member who is or may be suffering from an eating disorder.

    TUESDAY: Information Station Choo-Choo   - 4:30-6:30pm   - Kise Commons
    Six stations that have been prepared by students and faulty will be presented. The stations will cover various topics related to eating disorders and body image issues. They will be interactive and have take-away information as well. Each attendee will be given a punch card and after completing all six stations, they will receive a prize.

    TUESDAY: Sitting In Circles with Rich White Girls   - 7pm   - Weld Hall
    Sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Chad Goller-Sojourner will present what is described as:
    "At times funny, biting and somber, Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls: Memoirs of a Bulimic Black Boy chronicles the performer's life long affair with the scale and ten-plus year liaison with an eating disorder. Also a hilarious and heartbreaking exploration into the process and pattern of identity construction - in this case how grouping up: fat, dark-skinned, gay and adopted by white folks affected and shaped the performer's maturation -  Sitting in Circles with Rich White Girls: Memoirs of a Bulimic Black Boy is always crushingly honest, with the performer's greatest gift being the ability to find playfullness even in the midst of grief.

    WEDNESDAY: Panel of Impacted Individuals
       - 7pm   - CMU Ballroom A
    This panel will feature individuals impacted by eating disorders or body image issues. Whether they have suffered themselves or have been through the process with a friend or family member, each panelist brings a different perspective to issues surrounding eating disorders and body image issues.

    THURSDAY: Mega Zumba Event   - 8pm   - Wellness Center
    The capstone event celebrates health and wellness of all individuals with an interactive, exciting Zumba event. Following, food and refreshments will be provided.
      In addition, there is also the "The GREAT Jeans Giveaway"
      Throughout the week: Skinny Clothes donation competition
      in each resident hall, the CMU at 'The Compass', and inside the MSUM Bookstore there will be collection centers to donate clothes that you either do not want, need or fit anymore. People don't stop growing until they are 21 years old, so why keep clothes you wore when you were 17 years old in hopes that you'll fit them again someday. That's not healthy. The collection center that wins will receive a prize for their contributions.

      Throughout the week:
      CMU Activities: Post Secret - Feb.27-29th during CMU operational hours
      PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail
      in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

      To support Eating Disorder Awareness week, we will be hosting this PostSecret event in the CMU Main Lounge. You will be able to create your own PostSecret and have the option to add it to the MSUM PostSecret display. These Post Secrets will later be sent in the the Post Secret organization to promote physical and mental health.
      For more information on these events visit their Facebook event page.
      Advocate Article 

      Tuesday, August 16, 2011

      Princeton Philospher Dr.Cornel West comes to MSUM

      By: Outreach and New Media Intern; Billy McDonald aka @BillyJMcDonald

       The Dragon Entertainment Group and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will host a very special guest speaker on Sept. 16th at 7:30 p.m. in Hansen Theatre on the campus of Minnesota State University Moorhead. Famous philosopher and instructor from Princeton University, Dr. Cornel West will be speaking on issues such as diversity and self-actualization. So please join us.

      Free to Students, Faculty, and Staff with MSUM ID. $15 for public.

       Please check his website at

      About Dr.West:

      Cornel West is an American philosopher, author, critic, actor, civil rights activist and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
      West is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University, where he teaches in the Center for African American Studies and in the Department of Religion. West is known for his combination of political and moral insight and criticism and his contribution to the post-1960s civil rights movement.

      The bulk of his work focuses on the role of race, gender, and class in American society and the means by which people act and react to their "radical conditionedness."West draws intellectual contributions from such diverse traditions as the African American Baptist Church, pragmatism and transcendentalism

      This event is brought to you by The office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Dragon Entertainment Group. 

      Please follow us at @MSUMTheGroup 

      And add us on Facebook:  Dragon Entertainment Group

      Tuesday, April 26, 2011

      #ScorchJam11 and #Bike2CampusDay

      By: Marketing Coordinator Billy McDonald

      Free T-shirts, Free Tie Dyeing, Free Bags, Free Food Free Music,   Local Vendors, and More
      Design by Mikky Daub
       May 3rd 10am – 3pm is the start to Scorch Jam 2011 and Bike to Campus Day on MSUM Campus. Scorch Jam is the Group’s biggest and most prized event on MSUM. It is a capstone to all our hard work and another long successful year of campus activities. This year we have focused a lot on advancements in the online communication. We are beginning to blog, tweet, become better and more conversational on our Facebook page, and even implementing a SMS program for the Group.

      So this year, as the Marketing Coordinator of the Group, I am adopting the hashtagging #ScorchJam11 for our tweeters as a way to communicate at the event (follow the Group @MSUMTheGroup).  We will also be doing a drawing for a prize to those who enter into the SMS program. It’s simple, just text ‘Dragons’ to 313131 and you’ll be entered to win a prize to be named on May 3rd. We’ll only text you once a week at the most about exciting events and opportunities on campus. Now that I have gotten my shameless plug out of the way let me explain what this year’s #ScorchJam11 has in store. 

      Scorch Jam this year has many wonderful sponsors. Sodexo is providing 600 tacos in a bag to students starting at 11am on the 3rd in the Campus Mall. Jack Stenerson, The Group’s music coordinator,  and MEISA have booked several bands to play music from 11am to 3pm.  Here is the line-up

      11am РRide the Clich̩
      12pm – Mutiny
      1pm – Odd Man Out
      2pm – Machine 22
      3pm – Cass County Criminals

      Aisha Mohammad, the Group’s outreach coordinator has a mini-Olympics setup in the Campus Mall; she is also working with NEED for this year’s Bike to Campus Day.  Mikky Daub has designed some awesome black and white t-shirts for tie dyeing for the event. The first 120 people will receive a shirt to be tie dyed. Student Senate has been so kind as to supply and prepare Tie Dye for the event. 

      Bike to Campus Day is our way of trying to cut down emissions and help people see that going green is as simple as riding a bike. In the morning starting at 10am, the Group and NEED will be giving out 500 canvas bags filled with free deals and coupons to local area attractions and dining.  It’s called BIKE to campus day, but any none motor means of transportation will work, just not walking. 

      So after or before your classes on May 3rd come close out the Year with Dragon Entertainment Group, NEED, Student Senate, MEISA, Sodexo, and Massages by Jerry Wendell Daub.

      Tuesday, April 5, 2011

      Suicide Awareness Week - April 10-15th 2011

      By: Billy McDonald; Marketing Coordinator

      Every year 30,000 Americans are ripped away from their loved ones, because of a lie. A lie told to them by a parent, a friend, a colleague, spouse, or themselves... you get the idea, but it doesn’t matter where they heard it. The lie is always the same it just takes different forms. This lie has made Suicide the third leading cause of death among college aged Americans. The lie tells them they are not loved, wanted, or needed. This lie tells them they will not be missed or ending it will make it easier.  Although if a lie is told to you enough and you come to believe in such lies they become your truth; your reality.  More than 800,000 will be victim to this false reality this year and attempt suicide.

      April 10th starts the 1st annual Suicide Prevention Week. The Dragon Entertainment Group looks to join in the education on the value of all human life. There is hope in all situations, for all people. Our message is simple but often forgotten “You are not alone, we will miss you if you are gone”.

      The Dragon Entertainment Group has a series of events planned for the week of April 10th – 15th including:

      ·         The Very LOUD silent Auction, April 10th – 17th  
      ·         Suicide Awareness Expression Tree -  April 10th – 17th
      ·         Suicide Prevention Volleyball Tournament and BBQ- Dahl Volley Ball Courts, April 11th - 2pm
      ·         Kise Daytime Jams - Kise Commons , April 12th - 11a - 1am
      ·         Suicide Education Panel  (Suicide Awareness Speakers) - CMU 101, April 13th 3-4pm
      ·       Spring Fling Dance/Suicide Awareness Dance - CMU Underground, April 15th 9pm-1am 
      Student Senate will also be handing out yellow ribbons on Tuesday in the CMU, and on Friday night at the dance. Yellow is the color of suicide prevention. Poster designed by MSUM student designer (I will get a name in here asap) are going to be on display all over campus. Messages of the real truth of the value of all human life is made apparent on each one. The Panhellenic Council will be providing a fundraiser BBQ during the volleyball tournament on Monday.

      100% of the profits of the week’s events will go to the Susie Hanson Memorial Fund of Fargo, Which funds an organization bent on ending suicide. Susie's mother is the speaker on the 13th in the above schedule.

      Please make an extra effort to educate yourself and others on the lies of suicide during the suicide awareness week. Spread the truth that we are all needed, wanted, and loved. There are a known 4.5 million suicide survivors in America today, everyone is affected by Suicide…EVEYONE. There is a brotherhood we all live within; that brotherhood is the human race. Consider it your social responsibility to make suicide unthinkable. 80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully. Let’s make that number 100%.

      If you or a friend would like to talk to someone about the topic, please talk to someone at:

      For Information on the topic I recommend:

      Good Luck & Thanks for Supporting The Cause,

      The Dragon Entertainment Group

       Text 'Dragons' to 313131 and Receive info on upcoming events of the week and motivational quotes.

      Friday, April 1, 2011

      NACA - Day 2 (Dear Diary)

      By: Katie Winter; Coffeehouse Coordinator 

      Dear Diary,

      Today was yet another wonderful/informative day here at NACA.  Started the day off with a quality egg, sausage, and pepper jack cheese sandwich from the Subway down the street, complete with uber-friendly cashier!  Usually I’d say this dripping with sarcasm, but sincerely, that guy was legit.  If I wasn’t a ridiculously broke college student, I’d definitely contemplate maybe tipping him..maybe.  Any who!  I was awfully tired, considering we were up until almost 2am last night.  It was a hard morning, but it was nothing that a little Usher sing-along with Aisha couldn’t fix!  

      At 9am we moseyed our way on over to the ed. Sessions where I personally learned a little bit more about the importance of team building and programming.  I’m hoping to attain as much knowledge as possible to use to better myself in my position as the Coffeehouse Coordinator of the Dragon Entertainment Group ;) 
      After the ed. Sessions, Megan, Chia, and I sat with some folks from Wisconsin while eating a tasty ham sandwich box lunch.  If you haven’t noticed by now, I find it completely necessary to document the delicious food I partake in on a regular basis.  Not so much to keep tabs on, but to embrace the opportunities I have to eat something besides my usual PB&J with a side of Ramen noodles. 

      The Speakers showcase was next. I have a confession to make.  And I’m really glad I’m writing in my diary, so there’s NO possible way that it will leak to ANYONE else….I had a HUGE crush on the first speaker.  GORGEOUS guy, used to be in the Army (Shout out to those in the Armed Forces).  His speech was very moving too.  He spoke of the “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy.  So as you can guess, much to my dismay, he’s not into women.  Just my luck.  Moving on!  There were several inspiring stories shared, which may be heard soon at MSUM!  

      We had some down time, where we went to this wicked sweet diner, called “Micky’s”.  Apparently it was featured in Mighty Ducks 1 AND 2.  SO COOL!  I enjoyed a BLT, fries, and a chocolate shake, which I split with Joe.  But it wasn’t one of those weird one glass, two straw deals…I just did that with Megan.  We sat by this really cute family which had two little boys.  ADORABLE!  We definitely gave them “The Group” stickers!  Go Team!  

      Shortly after, we went to a little bit of a sketch grocery store.  But the guy was pretty nice, making small talk about how he was excited he hadn’t shot anyone yet that day…after he called me sweetheart for the second time, I decided it was time to give my thanks and head on my way to more showcases! 
      We enjoyed several poetry readings, comedians, and musicians.  Many of which I hope to one day have on campus.  However, I had to leave early, missing the last act to take my post as a badge-checker.  Or as I like to consider it- A Bouncer.  Yup. Me, Katie Winter, A Bouncer.  What of it?!?!  I didn’t take no shinanigans from NOBODY!  

      Ok Diary, one last thing.  EPIC story.  We were walking back to the hotel, when I saw this guy kind of wobbling in front of us.  He turned around and started talking to us, complaining he lost his driver, wondering if we had seen them.  I had nooo idea what he was talking about, then it hit me!  Dude!  I knew him!  It was none other than Pauly Shore!!!!  Childhood hero!!  I got my picture with him and quoted Biodome a couple of times before he broke into tears about how his life went down the tube, then he passed out….That reminds me…Happy April Fools Day J

      Luv in dis club.

      Thursday, March 31, 2011

      Day 1 NACA

      By: Megan Nitschke; Showcase Coordinator

      The first day of my first year at the National Association of Campus Activities bombarded me with an assortment of potential showcases for the future at MSUM. Even though I feel overloaded with information, today has fully secured all the reasons why I, along with every other member of Dragon Entertainment Group, put in many hours of hard work to deliver events to the MSUM campus. I speak for our entire group when I say that the energy, talent and ideas at this conference have created momentum for the future of programming at MSUM. 

      We are currently seeking out programs to book for the fall semester, and this event allows us to see first-hand the options we can choose from to book. Today we attended an educational session, which we determined based on our particular responsibilities and interest, then the rest of the day we watched dozens of comedians, musicians and talents that are promoting themselves to the college crowd. In between the showcases, we were able to interact with the agents and market our group to the many businesses that work with colleges. It was an incredible experience that pushed us into a real-world experience full of networking and communication with large agencies. 

      On a personal level, which a blog is essentially based off of, today was rather empowering and life changing. I dream of working in the entertainment industry, so the environment I am surrounded by this weekend is so comforting and exciting. The entertainment industry is such an inspiring field because it brings joy and laughter to audience members, in the case of the more showy programs, but it also provokes new ideas, questions and diversity, such as with speakers. As the activity planning committee for MSUM, we are able to directly link those elements to our campus. It’s an incredible process, and after today, I’m even more thrilled to be a coordinator for this industry at MSUM.

      I kept things rather informational in this blog, so as I close my thoughts and slowly close my tired eyes after this long, info-packed day, I must end with my silly, cheesy, over-dramatic freak-out of the day. When you think of entertainment, what comes to mind? Celebrities. Well, I’m one of those people who follows celebrities, and you may say that’s unhealthy, but you just can’t judge what this type of obsession has brought to my life. The first celeb meeting I had today was a comedian by the name of Tig Notaro. In case you don’t know her, she is one of the cops featured in the Sarah Silverman Program. I am a fan of Sarah Silverman, though many people aren’t, so when I first saw her, the TV-real life experience hit my hard. I was staring eye-to-eye with a TV star/comedian that I’m actually familiar with! 

      Then my night ended with an even more exciting encounter. As a former MTV’s Real World fan, I was obsessed with many seasons, including Brooklyn, which aired my freshman year of college. I went to meet with some Group members and all of a sudden I was face-to-face with Sara Price of this season. I freaked out a bit, and my instant reaction was to hug her, so I did. We had a great talk and she was entertained and flattered by my excitement. I felt a connection. You have permission to make fun of me, but the joy I felt from that will push my interest and passion in the entertainment world, and that will lead to my own success, holla.

      Moral of the blog. Today was great. We learned a lot. Now I’m tired. Good night.

      Super NACA 2011

      By: Billy McDonald, Marketing Coordinator 

      Finally it is here. The NACA Northern Plains Regional Conference starts today and goes to April 3, 2011 in St. Paul, MN.  ( NACA is the National Association of Campus Activities. Over the course on 4 days we will watch dozens and dozens of acts such as magic, music, other random talents, and etc. 
      Design by NACA Northern Plains Region
      We also will take part in many Ed sessions to learn how to better program and promote events to our campus. There is an active marketplace where agents and their talent interact with student campus programmers. There is a lot of deal making and smooth talking that happens on the Marketplace floor. The Group members are the voice of the entire student body of MSUM when programming for campus, so we are very cautious to not sign contracts on impulse. Instead of signing contracts and block booking forms on the marketplace floor, we sign strong intent forms. Then we collectively debate each of them at a semi-annual programming meeting. 

      The whole Dragon Entertainment Group is so pumped for NACA Northern Plains Conference this year. We are planning to show up and blow up this year. The theme is Super NACA, and we came prepared show our super powers. 

      We are introducing our blog to the world this weekend, so…hi world. I am stepping more and more in to marketing position in the group. I made the move from Showcase to Marketing in February and I love it. We are getting out tweet on and our Facebook is the place to be. Checkout the twitter feed to the right of this blog to see what the group thinks about the artist and Ed sessions. 

      I can’t wait to see all the acts this year. I am even more excited to wheel and deal with the agents on the marketplace floor. I want us to win the CAMP award this year. What is the CAMP award?
      CAMP Award

      This award is nominated and voted upon by associates in attendance at the conference. The Campus Activities Marketplace Award is given to a school that does exceptional business during the Marketplace. It is NOT necessarily for the school that books the most talent. The award takes into account the interaction students have with associate members, and whether associates believe the students come away with an understanding of what the agencies are or have to offer.

      Schools will be judged on the following criteria:
      • Stopping at non-showcasing and showcasing booths;
      • Asking questions of the agency (what do you offer?);
      • Calendar readiness, budget awareness;
      • Understanding of the CO-OP Buying process;
      • Making an effort to work with associates;
      • Delegation visits to booth, including CO-OP Buyer;
      • Understanding of the benefits of the Campus Activity Marketplace;
      • Learning how to do business & building business savvy; and
      • Other supportive comments.
      We are going to win this award this year. The Dragon Entertainment Group is full of strong confident student programmers that always act professional. Our very own Mikky Daub has plans on rocking the graphics competition in the following categories:

       • One-Color Poster/ Flyer
      Entries using one ink color on either a white or color background
      • Multicolor Poster/ Flyer
      Entries using two or more ink colors printed on a white or color background
      • One-Color Clothing Item
      Entries using one color on any type of clothing
      • Multicolor Clothing Item
      Entries using two or more colors on any type of clothing

      I am currently debating entering one of my buttons into the Miscellaneous Publicity competition. I will keep you posted.  

      We’ll be super busy all day, take a look at our schedule:


      11 am–7 pm ..................CAMP Load-in/Associate Member Registration
      11 am–7 pm ..................School Conference Registration
      2 pm–2:45 pm ...............Conference Welcome
      2:45pm-3:45pm ..............Sampler Showcase (Mid America, Mid Atlantic, West only)
      2:45pm-3:45pm ..............Special Events (Central only)
      3 pm–4 pm ....................Educational Session 1 (Block Bookers' Orientation)
      4:15 pm–5:15 pm ...........Associate Member Orientation
      4:30 pm–5:15 pm ...........Latecomer’s Conference Orientation
      5:30 pm–7 pm ...............Conference Dinner
      77 pm–8 pm ....................Campus Activities Marketplace Grand Opening 1
      8:15 pm-10:20 pm ..........Spotlight Showcase 1
      10:20 pm–11:30 pm ........Campus Activities Marketplace 2
      11:35 pm–12:35 am ........Staff/Associate Member Reception & Speed Networking
      11:35 pm–12:35 am .........Special Events Showcase

      You can follow the action by joining the Twitter conversation! Use the hashtag #nacanpl11 for all your NACA Northern Plains Conference tweets  during and after the Conference look for @MSUMTheGroup @MikkyDaub @BAsnowflake @CHIA_McDonald @MeganNitschke and @JackStenerson.

      I’ll keep you all updated with pictures and artist that grabbed our attention. Thanks for reading the Dragon Entertainment Groups very first blog. #NACAnpl11